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Other Lobulariavarieties
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Snow Princess

Properties: hanging, Plant Height: 30 cm, Plant Width: 50 cm, pot, Balcony, Full sun, perfume

Lobularia ’Snow Princess’ has pure white flowers on slightly trailing vines. The growth habit is upright to trailing, strong and vigorous. It is a perfect plant for hanging baskets, pots and window boxes, but does equally well as a spectacular, white ground cover in the garden beds or as an edging for paths or the terrace. If it gets too big it can be cut back. It is covered with mounds of honey scented white flowers throughout the summer.


About Lobularia:
Lobularia was formerly mainly propagated by seed. The varieties deriving from seed-raised varieties have cute little flowers and form a small plant with a rather limited growth. SNOW PRINCESS which is grown only from cuttings is quite different – even though the flowers are sterile they have preserved their lovely scent, and the lush growth and rich flowering make an overwhelming impression. Snow Princess will bloom all summer and into the autumn with a profusion of snow-white, sweetly honey scented flowers till late autumn.
Snow Princess prefers lots of daylight and performs best in full sun where it will grow quickly and flower continuously. It is perfect for hanging baskets, pots and window boxes, but it can also be used as a beautiful, white cover in garden beds and borders. In case the plant gets too big you may cut it back, e.g. just before going on holiday.
Snow Princess was bred by the Swiss plant breeder Peter Wicki and is a real – a stunning masterpiece – and has in fact already achieved recognition at numerous exhibitions as well as been awarded the prize for plant of the year in several countries.