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and innovation in plant breeding

Other Calibrachoavarieties
can be found at:

Superbells Yellow

Superbells Cherry Star

Superbells Double Ruby

Superbells Double Ruby

Superbells Pink

Properties: dome, Plant Height: 30 cm, Plant Width: 40 cm, pot, Full sun

Calibrachoa SUPERBELLS are lovely and unique annuals. They grow quickly, are easy to care for and are covered in blooms all summer. The flowers of Superbells ‘PINK’ (‘Pink Jewel’) are pastel-pink to pink, the growth habit semi-trailing to upright, vigorous and healthy. Superbells prefer a sunny spot, yet are resistant to rain and wind. Excellent for pots, hanging baskets and window boxes as well as for beds.


Superbells are often called mini-petunia or million bells, but the correct botanical name is Calibrachoa hybrid. The name ‘Superbells’ is inspired by the small, pretty, bell-like flowers. They are bred in Japan and selected for their larger flowers and a greater disease resistance than previous Calibrachoa varieties. Superbells come in several beautiful colours, both plain and multi-coloured with more or less distinct colour zones. Usually the flowers are symmetrical and single, but recently Superbells with fully double blooms – like small roses – have been introduced.
Superbells want lots of daylight, preferably full sun where they will do best, yet are tolerant to rain and wind. After windy weather or a shower they soon recover and continue to flower for a long season (May – October) with a profusion of flowers. Dead-heading is not needed as Superbells are self-cleaning, and spent flowers will soon be covered by new growth and prolific flowering. It can hardly bee easier!
Most varieties are upright to slightly trailing and well-rounded. They are excellent for pots, hanging baskets or window boxes, planted alone in individual colours or in combinations, or mix Superbells with other flowering plants. They can also be planted in garden beds with good drainage as a richly coloured ground cover. Allow 4-6 Superbells per m². Height and spread per plant is typically 20-30 cm x 30-40 cm.
In case the plants start to look leggy or too open, this can easily be fixed by trimming them back. This will stimulate new growth and flowering, and increase branching making your plant look even fuller. You may trim back your Superbells before a holiday, and on your return your Superbells will welcome you back with a wave of bright, new flowers.
Superbells need watering and fertilizing regularly, but do not overdo it. If the roots are kept too wet it can lead to root rot diseases, so make sure there are holes in the bottom of containers and window boxes to allow excess water to drain away.
Superbells guarantee you a beautiful display of vividly coloured flowers all summer.